The VW Festival is held at Harewood House, Leeds, the home of the Earl and Countess of Harewood, was built in the mid-18th century with money made in the West Indian sugar trade. It has been home to the Lascelles family ever since, reflecting the changing tastes and styles of the past 250 years. This is the seventh year for the VW Festival although it was my first visit to the area. I was included in the Historic Volkswagen Club display.
The show caters for all VWs, classic and modern, so has a different feel from many others I have been to. It was an enjoyable day, the Club did very well with three members receiving personal awards, our display manager winning the prize Beetle (as if he doesn’t have enough already) and the Club winning the trophy for Best Air-Cooled Club Display.
The house stands in a magnificent setting.
The back of the house is complimented by a beautifully maintained formal garden. Click on the picture for a full-sized view, then click your browser’s Back button to return here.
A panoramic view of the assembled company. Click on the picture for a full-sized view, then click your browser’s Back button to return here.
The Historic VW Club display, set around a natural amphitheatre.
It’s Different!.
I found only one Type 4, standing next to a very patinated Porsche.
At the end of the show after receiving our trophy for Best Air-Cooled Club Display.
This page published 15th August 2011 © J S Rastall